What a Gift!

A beautiful/sunny/warm Friday morning… what a gift!

Several years ago I read a book that Andy Stanley wrote called “The Best Question Ever.” It had such a profound impact on me. It has help guide me through so many circumstances, so many relational issues, so many “gray areas” in my life that I can’t imagine living life without this question to filter most of everything I do or say.

It has helped me in my marriage, my parenting, my purchasing, my leading, my friendships…

It helped to guide me through the process of where we should go in regards to the warehouse or St Florian.

We are getting ready to launch this series – The Best Question Ever at Renovation this Sunday.

For the next 4 weeks we are going to jump into the scripture and discover a new standard of living and thinking that has the potential to transform marriages, relationships, students lives, college students, dads, moms, singles… you name it this question has the potential to change not only your present but your future in a way few other things will or can.

So I would encourage you to get on the phone, text, twitter, facebook … invite your friends and your enemies! 

It is going to be a great series that God is going to walk us through as we discover a new way to live by learning and asking ourselves The Best Question Ever!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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