Trying to Get Home

Man what an incredible day we had at the conference. The weather was spectacular but the messages that we heard were even more so. Even though it is sometimes uncomfortable, convicting and sometimes painful we need to always be in a place to hear from God. That is what it was for me today. I will talk about it more over the next couple of days but right now we are trying to get out of DC. We had to fight the Atlanta traffic to get to...

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Churchplanters Conference

It was an early morning for us (4:30am) as our plane left Buffalo at 6:30. We got to Atlanta around 8:30. Thanks to some quick manuevering by Dad (who used to live in Atlanta) we shaved some driving time  from the ridiculous morning traffice jam. The conference started after lunch with Shawn Lovejoy who planted MountainLake in Cumming GA about seven years ago challenging us to...

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Traffic Is Ridiculous

Wow – in life you realize that most everything is a trade-off. Such as quality of life. Most of my friends who live in the south can't imagine how we survive when I tell them that we went 20 some days with it never getting above the teens over the past couple of weeks. But then I tell them  I can get any where I need to go at any time in Buffalo in about 20 minutes or less – we don't have to sit in a parking...

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Off To Atlanta

I am taking some of our leadership team to Atlanta so we can attend a church planters conference. There are several churchplanters that will be speaking that I have been following on the blogsphere over the past year or so. We are all on a sharp learning curve as we launch The Chapel at Elmwood and God has positioned most of us in places of leadership/servantship that we have never been. I have never...

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Soul Cravings

I have been reading Soul Cravings by Erwin McManus who is one of my favorite authors and communicators. Erwin is the pastor of Mosiac in Los Angles. This is a great book to use as a devotional because he breaks each chapter down like a journal entry. Erwin always seems to challenge my thinking and helps me at times to deconstruct and then reconstruct ideas about God, church, following Jesus and other...

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