Big Game!

Caleb my 9 yr old is in a baseball tournament this week and last night I got to experience one of those very cool moments with him. He normally plays at Shoshone Park where the field he plays on does not have a fence so if you hit the ball pretty hard it can roll forever so he has had a couple of “home runs” but last night was different he hit his first official HOME RUN over the centerfield fence! He couldn’t...

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Name That Podcast!

We are about ready to record our first episode for my new podcast in just a few minutes here in the Elmwood Studio (my office). Now this is not going to be a sermon re-broadcast but a conversation that I hope is helpful, insightful, playful, inspirationalful…   This first episode is going to be a conversation that I am going to pull the whole staff into because we are going to talk about a critical component for us at...

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Story on Chanel 4

Nor sure if everybody caught the story on Chanel 4. I decided not to do a press release on what we were going to do Sunday – I felt we should follow what Christ told the religious crowd back in the day to not tell the world when you fed the hungry, or clothed the naked… so I decided not to but if the media found out then I would certainly tell the story of what God is doing in the hearts and lives of the people at Elmwood...

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Bless Back Sunday reVISITED pt 3!

  Nothing like a little celebration after some hard work!

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Bless Back reVISTED pt2

If you did not hear – we collected almost $18,000 in our Bless Back Offering that we gave away to four different churches. Just so you know our average offering during the summer has been around $6500. So we almost trippled that which is crazy in the middle of summer. We had the team captains drop a check around $4300 in the offering with a note of blessing from the Elmwood Family in each of the churches offering plate. So...

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