Way Behind!

My goodness I am so behind at multiple levels… anybody else feelin my pain? (or frustration) This fall has been a blur and I am hoping that over the next week or so I can get back to some level of normalcy. No if I could jut remembe what “normal” was!

Can I just give a big shout out to a some folks for helping us pull off a great day in the midst of a full-on Buffalo storm. First the guys from City Mission just rock it! Wayne and his posse came in Saturday morning for 4 hard/stinkin cold hours clearing the parking lot and snow blowing all of the sidewalks not only on out property but all up and down St Florian and Povonia. Second is Bob Zima who plowed both streets so we could get to the parking lots!

OF course we have a small but growing – come on dudes time to step it up and join the toughest/baddest team we have… the Parking Team! Josh is doing a great job getting us all organized and days like Sunday are back breakers and toe freezers but the Parking Team worked it hard and I am so thankful for the hard work you guys are doing.

You know most people don’t realize how much work goes into “church” because most people are only observers, fans, in the stands… We all start in that capacity but shortly after we come to Christ we have to make a decision. To be or not to be… inVOLVED that is. Paul tells us in Eph 2:10 that we have been given a task to be involved in long before we could imagine. God has a plan for each of us that we will never get to see completed if all we do is watch or get or toe a little wet. We have to get in the game and when we do we are never the same. We grow in our understanding of who God is and His Word, we grow in our faith because we obeyed, we grow in our own capacity and people are blessed, touched, inspired, changed, transformed and you had a part in it!

Renovation we have been blessed beyond what we could ask or think so we have a real responsibility but it is a responsibility that I want us to bear with joy in our hearts not out of guilt or manipulation. We will reach as many people, boys and girls, students… as we have people willing to get in the STORY. We must be a community of faith that is willing to go the extra mile for our community because Jesus Christ did that for us. 

For those who are already in the game… you know I am speaking to the choir and I say thank you! I love each one of you and we highly regard your contribution!

As I close my thoughts let me give you a couple of statements that blew me away today.

  • “We were not created to be successful but to be obedient.” Mother Teresa
  • “The will of God, more than anything else, is the feverish desire to do the will of God.” 
Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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