Sunday Night Rewind

What a great day we had at Renovation… it was so good to be back seeing everybody and feeling the excitement that comes out of our gatherings. 

Of course today was our Love Revolution Commitment day. 

This was for those who call Renovation home and want to commit to three things over the next year…

to Serve Strategically

to Connect Relationally

to Give Generously

I realize that many are in process about these 3 areas of engagement but my pray is that over the next couple of weeks you will commit… I know if you do that this next year will be an incredible year of growth in your relationship with God and with others!

For those who missed today you can still get involved… just bring your LR Commitment card with you Sunday and get plugged into grouplife and a serving group. Today we revisited our 6 Core Values or essentials so here is a recap of those thoughts we talked about today…

In order for us to really experience a LR in our life’s, families, and communities we will have to stay in process with our 6 core values here @ RC

When we together are taking steps in our…

·      Priesthood… growing in relationship with Jesus Christ. Nobody can do this for us and we should not expect someone to do this for us… this is what makes our relationship with God personal

·      Understanding and telling our Grace Story… you have a story to tell, unlike any other and we have been given a command to share it.

·      Knowing/understanding our Spiritual Gifts and then using them in the World we are called to serve. It will take all of us… not some of us or a few of us.                                

·     Interpersonal relationships that reflect the One who lives within us. We probably should never call ourselves a Christian. People in the first generation church did not call themselves Christians…they called themselves followers of The Way. It was later that they were called Christians by the community because they acted like “little Christ.” Would the people who work with you…go to school with you…play with you call you a “little Christ” because of how you conducted yourself?

·     Managing/Stewarding all of our assets for the expansion of the Kingdom of God… this is our time, talents, and treasures. Have you come to grips with ownership… do you really recognize that God owns it all and all that we have has been given to us to manage appropriately for Him?

·      Compassion that results into Action to see the reduction of lost-ness in our community… our Father wants…longs for all of His children to find their way back to Him before it is to late. 


I have to admit I was a little nervous about what the response would be today as it related specifically about the Faith Commitment that we would pledge today. I have been gone so I felt a little disconnected but I also knew that we have already committed a certain amount of money to our LR partners so today was a big day for us. 

Once again I was blown away by the Faith Community that God is building and forming at Renovation… today we pledged the following amount over the next year…


That is awesome and I know that amount will probably grow over the next week.

I am so proud of you Renovation and I know that God is going to do some amazing things over this next year in us and through us!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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