Sunday Night Rewind

Didn’t realize I skipped posting last week… where was I? oh maybe outside because of the incredible week of sunshine we had last week!

For those who don’t live in B-lo we had Ty Pennington and the Extreme Makeover Team come to town this past week… they started by rebuilding a house but it turned into a 50 house project not far from us on the WestSide! It was really incredible to see all that they did with thousands of people volunteering on one of the toughest streets in the city. They said it was the best city they had ever visited as regarding the way people just jumped in and started helping… that’s what I love most about living in Buffalo… the people!

Speaking of incredible… our Gatherings today was incredible!

It was awesome having Oral and Jeanine joining Nick and the band leading us in worship… Island flavor! 

So thankful for the quality and the heart of the worship that we get to experience at Renovation… we are blessed indeed!

I gotta say I am loving the tables… I love seeing people engage in conversation… worship… prayer and it happens so much more gathered around tables instead of sitting in rows. For those who can’t hang out with us… we set up tables last week for a little experiment… we have 8 chairs around each table and so far it has been a lot of fun for everybody (almost) of course there are a few who were a little distraught when they came in and could not find their “favorite” seat… very funny to see the panic on faces!

We started talking last week about what would happen if we (renovation) actually did more than just gather at a particular place and time every week.. what if we harnessed the collective muscle of the diversity of talent, passions, perspectives… that God is gathering at Renovation for the specific purpose of impacting, empowering, revitalizing NW Buffalo… bringing the full Gospel to our community.

We continued that discussion today and it was exciting. 

We have adopted CCDA as our blueprint to actually see this begin to happen. There is a growing CCDA presence and movement in the city. 

CCDA is based upon the 3 R’S

RELOCATION… What God did for us through His Son by relocating… might we do for others?

RECONCILIATION… reconciling every man, woman and child back to the Father… loving God, loving others and proving it!

REDISTRIBUTION… just distribution of time, talents, treasures… begin living with the philosophy of “ENOUGH” we have enough for ourselves how can we begin to redistribute our resources individually and collectively.

We did something new today… Potluck with Brek and Gloria. We went old school today. We have had a lot of people ask over the last few months if we could “get together” as much as I would like to, there isn’t enough time so we thought we would try to accomplish this by having people signup to hang with us and the staff and eat together after Church. So that’s what we did and WOW what a great time!

We got to meet and spend some time getting to know some folks and to answer some general questions. 

We also ate some really good food!

We had a real strong Hispanic presence so that meant… Spanish food which I love! Double blessing for sure!

I am so grateful for the diversity that we are experiencing at Renovation… God is doing some amazing things!


Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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