Sunday Night Rewind

So all week long in preparing for today and what we were going to talk about I was trying to apply the principle… Don’t Worry Alone!

Easier said then done right? Sometimes I catch myself worrying about Sunday… will anybody show up? At this point i know that people will show up…at least the staff, my family you know the general suspects but sometimes I worry if I can deliver what needs to be said in a way that is helpful, beneficial, understandable, accurate… there is a tension that most pastors or communicators have between our part and God’s part.

So this week I tried to give that worry/fear to God and trust Him to fill in the gaps on my-behalf and for the benefit of those who would show up today.

Wow… is all I can say!

We had an incredible day today at Renovation. I would have to say it was one of the most Spirit filled, anointed gatherings we have ever had at Renovation. 

First of all – just our 1st Impressions Team came this morning ready to roll. We had new team members this morning which is always cool to see because they bring great energy. Michelle Stockton is doing such a great job of leading all of our strategic volunteers and getting them ready to serve every week… well they walked in ready to serve and serve they did!

Even during rehearsal the music was griping my heart – so I knew that worship was going to be powerful today. Was it ever. Loved having Nick lead out in the middle and did you notice he led while playing an acoustic guitar not the keys… the dude is so talented and just gets better all the time. So thankful for the talent that God has given him and how he uses it humbly but powerfully to lead us every week.

There was just a ton of energy in the aud today… like a football game – I love that and so thankful that we get to experience that dynamic at Renovation.

We had a lot of first time guest this week… love hearing how they got connected… one family found us on the internet after moving to Buffalo from Syracuse… another man lives around the corner and decided to come today. One lady came over for prayer and to give her life to Christ – she came for the first time 4 weeks ago and her friend encouraged her to give her life to Christ and so she did!

God just blows me away every week when I look out and see the diversity that we get to experience every week. rich, poor, homeless, addicted, black, white, brown, educated not so educated… all sitting around tables laughing and talking out loud – learning together!

Joshua took a crew of teenagers down to Circle C Ranch yesterday so thankful that we have a leader and a crew of awesome leaders that are pouring into our teenagers and our kids every week. 

Renovation we are so blessed to be a part of seeing God work in us and through us. God has always used people either individually or corporately who are obedient, humble and grateful lets make sure that those are qualities that we embrace!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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