Sunday Night Reflections 08

Elmwood you are blowing me away! When I got to the theater this morning the sun was shining. We have "pregame" at 8:30 and I said that we missed the big storm… at 9:05 I walked out to the lobby and I could not see the parking lot because the snow and wind was blowing so hard – I thought great, a storm right when everybody was coming to gather together we will have about half of our folks. Oh me of little faith – we had 300 show up today with a ton of first time guest… only in Buffalo, it's why I love it here!!!

It was so cool to have a dear friend of Gloria and myself – Santa Dominqez with us today. Santa and Enrique and their kids have been such incredible friends and their influence on me while they were in Buffalo really was profound in so many ways. God is amazing how He brings friends and relationships across our path and they are such great encouragers – everybody needs a good cheerleader and they have been one for us.

Always hate to bring up tough situations but we have a policy at Elmwood that we ask parents not to bring children 10 and under into our adult environment. We do this for several reasons, 1 is that we think so highly of kids that we spend a lot of time, energy and resources creating an enviroment and experience with them in mind. We want them to be as excited to come "to church" as dad and mom. 2 we design the adult gathering for students and adults so it will be boring for kids. 3 We will at times talk about things that are not appropriate for younger kids. 4 Kids are distracting to PARENTS – I know – "I is one" and any time I have had my kids sit with me I get about  zero out of the experience not to mention those around us. So please if you are new to Elmwood take your children into King's World and let them be kids and really learn about God in way that is designed just for them, they will love – and so will everybody else!

As I shared with everybody today we are in a new season at Elmwood. Up until now we have not had to think to much collectively about where we call "home." The Regal theater has been a GREAT place for us to launch and to grow during our first year. We have asked God all along this journey to show us when and where we should go as a more permanent location if ever. It seems that God has opened the door for us to consider a facility that would allow us to be able to have greater impact in our community. A building is simply a tool that God can use to advance His Kingdom. We want to be good stewards of the resources that God gives us and so we are going to take the next 60 days to investigate the potential and possibility of this facility.

I challenged everybody who calls Elmwood home to partner with me and the Leardership Team and commit to joining us on a 21 day journey. For the next 21 days please spend 21 minutes going before the Lord by reading His Word, praying, worshiping… asking God what He wants for us individually and corporately. This is what I do know, God wants us take responsibility, to take action, to engage. Read the article on the front page of the Buffalo News about the epidemic of illiteracy in our city. Both young and old and how poverty and illiteracy go hand in hand. What can we do to make a difference in the future of Buffalo in this particularly unacceptable condition in OUR city.

I don't know all the things we could do with a more permanent facility but I do know it will be used to help our community and to bless our community and to bring hope and joy to boys and girls, teenagers and single moms… not just a place to gather people but to build a bridge to our community that would allow every man, woman and child to not only hear but SEE the message of love that Christ has to offer humanity.

Take the 21 Day Challenge with me – we may never be the same!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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