Rules of Thumb

I am reading through this great book called Rules of Thumb…52 truths for winning at business without losing your self by Alan Webber the co-founder of Fast Company Magazine. I am just reading one rule at a time and each one has really been good so far.

I think the rules so far have been rules that transfer across business, family, friends, ministry…

Today’s rules is this… Change Is A Math Formula.

Change happens when the cost of the status quo is greater than the risk of change: C(SQ)>R(C)

Here are the four key points of this rule

1.You have to be clear in your own thinking that you’re in the game for the long haul, not staking your career (cause) on a quick victory. 

The reason is the same battles will keep re-surfacing in companies, politics… and you’ve got to be there to fight them with your eyes on the long-term outcome.

2. You’ve got to learn the other side’s language and its arguments better than it does.

In general learn how to speak economics because both sides of the fight respect the dollars and cents of an issue. 

3. It’s not enough to be against something that is bad – you’ve got to be for something that is better!

Something always beats nothing… if all you are offering is “nothing” wrapped in passion the same old bad something will continue to win the day. So do the hard work of preparing… do the due diligence and wait till you have something better to offer.

4. Finally, look for allies.

Too often change agents paint themselves in a corner with their arguments and then find themselves all alone and often embittered because nobody joined “their cause” because nobody really “got it” like they did.

As followers of Jesus Christ we are all called to be change agents in the world God has placed us in. Let’s make sure that we know that we are in it for the long haul – know the enemy’s (not flesh and blood) traps and strategies – offer something better like grace, love, hope – and always remember we are a part of the Body of Christ and we need to think, work and fight like we are ONE!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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