Looking Back…

Wow, looking back over the last 14 weeks since we launched our fall series called Renovation Project I am just blown away by what God has done in so many of us!

I have to keep reminding myself that this is just our second fall, our second Thanksgiving… so much has happened in such a short time that I am having to remember that we are still in the beginning stages of so many things as a new community of faith. What we hoped and prayed for as we planned this series was that many people would take a deeper step into their relationship with God and all that comes with that and that people would connect in a deeper way with each other. From what I am hearing and seeing that is what has happened and then some!

We did a survey this past Sunday trying to get an understanding of who is calling Renovation home these days and what are some things that were helpful and things that were not so much as we move into a new year. Can’t wait to get back the results from that tool.

Speaking of tools we have taken down the tool shed as we are getting ready for Jingle Jam this Sunday… last night we had rehearsal and I was so encouraged to see a dozen of our best students excited about leading out this Sunday. All of these students are all ready involved in serving every week in Renovation Station. Without our student leaders we would be in serious trouble in RS and the impact we are having on younger kids would be diminished because they see teenagers serving and leading and that is a powerful statement and role model for our younger kids. Some of these students take a bus from the East side or from the West side to get here on Sunday mornings in order to serve… that is awesome! 

I say all of that so many of you can pray for not only this week as some of these students families might come to Jingle Jam/Church for the first time to watch their kids sing or dance or perform but for the months to come as these students and many others learn what it means to follow Christ and to pour their lives out for Him!

Looking back gets me excited for what  is coming ahead!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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