Just Learning

Bear with me as I am learning my way around this blog site. I want to give you resources to people and places that have and are impacting me. I will add to the different features  and what is featured in them as we go. I think it is important to be in a constant learning mindset. As most of you know I was a basketball coach for 14 years before stepping into the Church World. One thing that always drove me crazy was a player that wasn't teachable or coachable. That player immediately put a lid on his potential for success no matter how talented he was. The same is for us as we navigate through the life God has called us to live. We have to know that there are still a lot of things that we need to learn. Sometimes we need to blow up what we once knew about something and learn a new way to do it. So I am a pretty big reader ( I've got 7 books on now by my bed and 3 in my book bag) and I also love learning new ways to do old things (like church gatherings).

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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