It is Getting Harder and Harder….

It is getting harder and harder to remember what our country and world was like pre – 9/11. Carlee is in 6th grade – she was experiencing her first Tuesday morning in Kindergarten when our world changed. Caleb was 2 years old. Canon has not lived in an America that has not been at war. I am glad that our hope is not based upon man but upon the ONE who will one day set this world right.

Had some ladies come to the office tonight to help put togther some things we are giving the teachers tomorrow as we go and partner with Principal Mathews at PS #65 as we present and introduce the virtue of INTIAITIVE – seeing what needs to be done and doing it! The program is from 1:45-2:15 so be praying for us – can't wait it is going to be great!

Comfortable is not a place that I think we need to be as a church. It is sooooo easy to experience mission drift. Mission drift would be for us – shifting our focus and attention from reaching and connecting with those young and old who are not convinced of their need for God to focusing on us who are convinced. Yes we need to grow in our walk with Jesus – taking steps toward him and others but when we get comfortable we tend to focus on our needs – our wants – our convience not others. We have always from day one planned on creating more than one worship gathering experience on a Sunday morning. We will be investigating how we can go from one to two over the next few weeks. One BIG reason is for the spiritual health and sustainablity of our KW Team members who do not get to experience worship in an adult environment every week because of their every other week rotation. Having two options allows for more people to come and join us each week. When we go from one to two it will be more work. Earlier set up – stay longer to break down – will need more KW workers – more laborers because their is more work to do. I hope that is ok – to not get comfortable.

I want to say thanks for all of the new Team Members that have joined the original "launch team" of about 75. If you are a Christ Follower and you have been hanging out with us at Elmwood and you have been "checking us out" I completely understand the process that God takes us through when we are looking for a community of faith to be a part of – our lives are in continual seasons of change. Here is what I would say to you as kindly and graciously as possible – get INVOLVED! Your spiritual formation or growth will only happen if you combine gathering to worship + serving + small group (small groups are coming!). If you are coming and planing on just sitting and soaking it all in and not contributing your time, money (God's money on loan to us) and passions then please keep looking at some other really good churches in the area that might fit your needs better.

I say that not to be mean or hateful but to let people know why we launched The Chapel at Elmwood. We have a mission to reach every man – woman and child in our circle of accountability with repeated opportunities to hear and see the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ . We have decided to be a church that is trying to take ownership for the LOSTNESS of our community. We want to see the percentage of those who are unconvinced to actually go down and to see our families, friends, co-workers – neighbors turn their life over to Jesus Christ and accept him as their SAVIOR/FRIEND/LEADER.


Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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