Father’s Day Remix

What a great Father’s Day!

I got to hang out with the family all day. I let them decide (I already had mexican twice this week) where to eat so of course it was Buffalo Wild WIngs. Then the boys and I went over to Regal to watch Night at the Museum. Fun movie… somebody ought to do a similar movie based on all the characters written throughout the Bible… A Night In the Bible!

Later we went down to Anderson’s because they were giving away free ice cream to all the dads!

Got to talk with my dad who (with mom) is out in Oklahoma at a Cockrell family reunion…then headed to Kansas City for a week… going to get the best mexican food in the world at Los Coralas…downtown KC!

We had a great day at Renovation… Loved having Danny Nieves his new wife and little sister helping us lead worship today! How cool was it to hear them singing in Spanish while Nick was singing in English!! So grateful to God for how He is allowing us to meet and partner with other pastor’s and churches in the city!

Our drama team did another great job today as we continued in our Simply Irresistible Series. Today we talked about another core value that we have at Renovation… creating relevant environments that allow people to connect with God and with others.

We know that for us humans that the right environment matters… we like what we like and we are drawn to our spaces and places!

We talked about creating these environments and experiences not just to be cool but to do today what Jesus did back in the culture that he walked in and that is to BUILD BRIDGES RELATIONALLY and to TURN ON LIGHTS SPIRITUALLY!

Building bridges… turning on lights…  Dad’s that’s what we have to do for our family.

Talked to a dad today that has recently given his life to Christ… is just now realizing his role… his responsibility to help build brIdges relationally with his teenage daughter if he wants to continue to have influence in her life as she gets older and to help turn on lights for her spiritually.

Dad’s here is a little formula that I heard several years ago and it has been a guiding principle for me…

Rules without Relationship = Rebellion

For us in the church it is why so many people have pushed the Church to the margins…

Church/rules + No relationship/no relevance = rebellion/leaving the church

So we get to help reposition the Church in NW Buffalo from the margins of irrelevance back to a place of hope, relevance and transformation…

What a mission!

All hands on deck… everybody is wanted and everybody is needed

Speaking of all hands on deck… don’t forget to sign up for Riverside FamilyFun Day and Summer Jam… two great environments/experiences that will help us build a bridge relationally and turn on lights spiritually to NW Buffalo!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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