Choosing to Cheat reVISITED

We are all cheating something and we are all cheating somewhere.

Who/Where are you cheating?

Better yet…Who feels cheated?

EVERYBODY CHEATS! We have to. You have several different hats that you have to wear. Your career potential, a spouse to love, a family to raise up, a team to coach, a hobby to pursue… the list goes on, each of which holds tremendous merit and value.HOWEVER, when you consider the limited number of hours in a day, there is NO WAY that you or I can reach our full capacity and potential in all of these areas – just not enough time and energy to give.

If you stayed at work until you ‘got it all’ done – every phone call, every task accomplished, every meeting met, every question answered… you would NEVER go home.If you stayed home until every ounce of affection was poured into all the appropriate places… you gave to all the little love tanks were full, you played to the kids did not want to play anymore – you finished every task on the Honey Do list… you would never make it to work!

You are on a collision course! The collision is between work and family.

Rock Illustration


Take-away Principle

Our mental WILLINGNESS will always LOSE to our physical/emotional WEAKNESS.

It’s not the MOMENT that caused the rock to drop but the PROCESS!There seems to always be a ‘final straw’

3 Applications from Daniel 1

Before I know the HOW I will determine the WHAT.

The NOW GOD factor

Allow GOD to PROVE Himself

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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