Best Day Yet!

Today felt a little like getting back from the honeymoon. We have had 3 previews all leading up to Launch Sunday (last week) and the question I had was what would every week look like? Kind of like the thoughts that go through your mind about getting married, the wedding, the honeymoon and then the actual marriage. Well I must say that I thought that today was our best day yet! From the energy of the Special Teams to the buzz of kids and people of all ages (which is surprising me a little – but very cool) walking into the atrium it was just off-the-hook awesome!Cool 

We had 205 adults and 60 in KW for a total of 265 people with 21 first time guest. We have had right at 200 first time guest in just 5 Gatherings that is an avg of 40 a week which is crazy good! What that means is that everybody is really doing the part of ‘going out into the highways and hedges and compelling people to come‘ which is at the core of what we want to be about. 

We want to be a community of faith that is compelled to help people who are disconnected relationally from God reconnect back to Him. Being a part of a church body is a tag-team endeavor. We all have a responsibility every week to inVEST in the circle of influence that God has placed us in order to one day (as God moves) be able to inVITE them into a relationship that has eternal significance. Hopefully those people will come with us to experience an environment that is designed to connect with them emotionally, spiritually and relationally. So as you walk in with your family and friends you tag us and say – ‘hope it’s good today because…’ by God’s grace and our hard work (by everybody) their experience is special and hopefully it will cause them to want to come back. We say ‘Amen’ and as you walk out – tag -you are it again for another week of inVESTING and inVITING! 

God you were evident today in so many ways, we thank YOU!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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