
You could assume that when it is colder than snot that most people would stay home not fight the cold, ice, parking… you would be wrong!

You know what happens when you assume… 

We had 251 adults at 9:19 and 177 adults at 11:00 with another 61 kids at Renovation Station for a total of 489 today! That is crazy cool.

You know what is also crazy cool is the the amount of first time guest that are rolling in every week. I think my new friend Helen has brought somebody new with her every week since her first Sunday December 7. She had another friend with her today. 

Gloria told me she also got to meet some young single girls who are all working in the city who have been invited by friends…

So many new people walking through the doors from the neighborhood and the surrounding area… we hoped and prayed that would happen but to now see it happening is such a God thing that it just blows me away.

We are having people step up to needs that they see. 

One man recently retired from FedEx who has been here a couple of times with his family, he volunteered to keep up with the daily snow removal of the sidewalks! The sidewalks are a huge issue because we can’t just wait until Sunday morning to clear them or like today the ice is so hard you can’t make a dent in it. So he saw the need…he lives around the corner and said let me help! I immediately introduced him to Joshua!!

The First Impressions Team is really starting to make a great impact on our environments and experiences on Sunday morning. They are all the people you see outside, inside, greeting, making coffee, guest central, resources, cleaning the restrooms during the morning… I am so proud and appreciative of all that this team is doing. Michelle Giambra is doing a great job holding down the fort until Michelle Stockton gets back from her time off with sweet Sophia Rose… so thanks you guys and I would encourage you if you haven’t yet to check them out and to get inVOLVED in that important area of ministry!

Our Middle School ministry is growing every week. Our goal is to have a Sunday morning environment for middle schoolers but until then we are gathering on Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00!

We also our seeing more and more High School students coming to our Wednesday night small group experience in the Renovation House. If you know a student invite them to hang with Josh and the crew from 6:00 – 8:00!

I just got to say that Nick and the band blew it out once again today! Nick did a great job delivering the Chris Rice tune Pardon My Dust! SO glad I got to hear it twice!

So thankful for the talented team that God is continuing to assemble at Renovation!

You had better get your MarriedLife Live ticket this week… last time I checked there were only about 17 tickets left! 

We do need some people to help set up on Friday and then to break down on Saturday morning to get ready for Sunday so sign up this week if you can!

Watching a little Extreme Home Makeover… tonight’s story is really good. How cool would it be if we could do something like that for somebody in our community! Just a thought.

I am so blown away by all that God is doing in soooo many people lives… thanks Father for lifting the “8 foot ceilings”

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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