Another First!

Well we got to see another environment get launched last night… CLUB 56! This is an environment designed specifically for kids in 5th and 6th grade. I was excited because I have a 5th grader who has been watching his older sister go to “cool stuff” and he “never” gets to… so last night he was so jacked up about going and then on the way home could not stop talking about how awesome it was! That make a dad’s heart (and a pastor’s)explode for joy. Got to throw out big props to Meagan and her crew… Margarita, Jarael, Tiazza, Leena they did a great job!

Just a little background as to why we have launched this and how and who it is that is bringing the muscle…

We started to observe this summer that when Josh started reaching students (7th-12th gr) on Wednesday nights that some of them were bringing their younger brothers and sisters. Trying to really create a great experience for our students and being able to speak into their lives we new that we would need to provide another environment for the younger kids so we began to think about what that would look like and how we could launch it and sustain it. 

At the same time we started talking with Diann and the Peace of the City Team about what this year was going to look like as it related to being even more strategic and intentional in our partnering together. We worked together this summer to build bridges and awareness into the NW community so people would know what is available to them and for them here on our campus not just on Sunday mornings but through out the week. 

So we decided to coordinate and mesh what they had been doing on Tuesday evening into what we were hoping to do on Wednesday’s and so last night was the first night of all of that! 

So right now it is the Peace of the City Team that is bringing the muscle to make CLUB 56 a reality. Most of the kids were kids that had been at Homework Club and were able to stay over and experience the fun and excitement a great discoveries on how to be a great friend! 

Renee Mapp also a part of the Peace Team launched her Adult Mentoring Program with about a dozen men and women that she had met from this community through Summer Jam. This has been a dream and passion for Renee for a good while and to see it get off and running was great! She will be helping young and old adults learn… helping them develop time management skills, literacy, computer skills… great stuff!

Just so you know… what we are doing on Wednesday night is for everybody and it gives an opportunity for other folks who may not go to Renovation to partner with us to serve and lead these environments. Peace has volunteers from all over the city from various Communities of Faith and we would love to welcome those from other congregations that have a heart and passion to serve in these kind of environments during the week and still attend your Community of Faith.

If you have a desire to learn more about how you can get involved you can call our offices at 819.4100 and speak with Michelle Stockton ext 101.

…So it was awesome to walk around campus and see Divorce Care, Adult Leadership Mentoring, CLUB 56, Women of Grace small group, 50 plus students and workers with Joshua all going on simultaneously. 

Please be praying for the Leadership Teams of both Renovation and Peace and the awesome team of volunteers we currently have in order to make all of this happen and that more folks will join the Team in the days and weeks to come.  

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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