An Amazing Day…

This past Sunday was an amazing day at Renovation.

I say that because there was such an evidence of God’s activity in the hearts of so many.
We have just finished a 10 week series based on the book Crazy Love. We walked through each chapter and each week was challenging to say the least. It did not matter where a person was at in their spiritual journey God met each of us as we looked in His Word and discovered more about Him and His nature and we discovered more about us and our role in His story.
We were confronted with the majesty of God and His greatness and our “tiny-ness” 
We were alarmed that we may not be  ”good soil” after all… we began to follow Paul’s advice and to investigate our lives and not presume upon God’s grace and mercy.
We started to ask ourselves hard questions like am I serving up “left-overs” to God?
We looked at the profile of the luke-warm and for some we saw a lifestyle and for others we saw a lot of luke-warm tendencies in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
We discovered that we must live by faith if we are to be pleasing and honoring to our heavenly Father! 
But what does living by faith really mean we asked. 
Does it mean selling our houses and stuff in order to be able to be more generous with our resources… maybe.
Does it mean possibly adopting a child… maybe.
Does it mean moving into a tough neighborhood to be light and salt or staying in a tough neighborhood even though it might not be safe… maybe.
It may mean to simply work harder… stop being lazy.
It may mean change your attitude of entitlement to that of gratitude.
Every week God’s Word and the powerful ministry of the Holy Spirit kept working away on us chipping off that which God was exposing in us that was not pleasing and honorable. 
We had some incredible moments of worship and praise at our tables, in prayer, in corporate singing, in corporate giving.
All the while God doing the same things through out our ministry environments like XCEL Leadership Center… Renovation Station and Renovate Live!
This past week we celebrated the Hope of the World… Immanuel – God with us!
Last Wednesday 4 of our students prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and leader and I believe helped  set the tone for this past Sunday as we worshiped Jesus for who He is, for what He has done, and for what He is going to do!
At the end of each gathering I gave people the chance to receive the BEST Christmas gift ever…Immanuel. I then asked for those who accepted Christ that morning or at some point over the last 11 weeks to simply raise their hand.
At each gathering I was blown away… we had dozens and dozens of men – women and young people raise their hands in unison all expressing their public decision to follow Jesus Christ. 
I thank God for the incredible honor of being able to see Him do immeasurably more than I could ever ask or think.
Renovation we serve and have an amazing God!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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