40 Days In the Word

40 Days In the Word starts Sunday! We are about to launch into something as individuals, families, and corporately at Renovation that I suspect none of us have experienced before. At least that is what i have been praying for. 

Speaking of praying let me recommend a great book to read as you begin 2012… The Circle Maker by Pastor Mark Batterson. It is fantastic! I have been reading in preperation for our 40 Days In the Word series and it has encouraged me, convicted me and taught me, reminded me… in so many ways. 

We have over 200 people who have coveted together to be in corporate worship together for the next 6 weeks, join a group for the next 6 weeks, read the Word and study/pray for 40 days, to give a percentage of their income for the next 40 days… we have some where between 50 and 60 groups from teens on up!

What if… what if God truly wants to do more than we could imagine… I think that He does and I believe that the trajectory of our church, our families, our community will forever change because of what God is going to do in us and through us over the next 40 days!

We have had an incredible start to 2012 at Renovation. 

We continue to experience growth in so many ways…

strategic service volunteers who are stepping up on all of our teams… gtting ready to launch our 3rd Renovation Station Environment this Sunday… it was a year ago that we launched our 3rd Worship Gathering and now we get to celebrate that our children get an awesome experience each Sunday designed with them in mind!

We have been seeing our Renovation family give generously…we have met our budget for the last 4 months! That is a indication of the maturing our community of faith as we give to support the work that God has called us to do in ad through Renovation… so thank you!

We are seeing growth in our student environment called Renovate Live which is each Wed evening from 6.00 – 8.00. The culture that our kids are growing up is alarming. I thank God for Joshua and his awesome team that are investing in our teens lives in powerful ways.

Lets continue to pray that God would just blow us away over these next 40 Days… what if hundreds came to Jesus Christ… what if marriages start to be re-united… what if people found jobs… what if people were healed… what if sons and dsughters turned their hearts back to their earthly and heavenly Fathers… WHAT IF? 

Renovation can’t wait for Sunday… see you there!

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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