10 Years Ago..

It is hard to believe that it was 10 years ago today that 9/11 happened. It has been an emotional week for so many people in so many ways. For those of us who did not lose a loved one or a friend we are certainly moved and thoughtful but for those who did lose a dad, mom, brother, sister… it is much more than that. 

We have seen new and old images of that day…

We have seen the kids and family members grow up – now 10 years older.

Gloria and I tried to explain to Canon what 9/11 means and what the images we were looking at meant to him this week. He is 8 years old and he has no idea really…

Carlee my 15 yr old daughter had just started kindergarten and now she is a sophmore in HS… it has impacted her entire school years… the same with Caleb…

That day changed so much in our country, and world… but with all due honor and respect I couldn’t help but reflect that even that day in all of its tragedy doesn’t compare to the tragedy that happened some 2000 years ago. The initiator of all terror thought he had finally won… by taking down the SON and for three days it looked like he had won.

Terroism would prevail…

Just like the terroist who plotted the destruction of the Towers there were some enemies that were claiming victory… evil is real but evil will not ultimately win not 10 years ago and certainly it did not 2000 years ago.

On that 3rd day when all of the heavens stood still and observed in shock… the Enemy of life itself watching …  where darkness and death had been now a light came shinning through and then Life come out of the tomb of death! 

We cannot fully grasp the emotion and the immensity of that day and how it changed all of eternity at least not right now but one day we will…

10 years after seeing the death and the destruction of that day we now see light and life coming out of that tomb of death…

It is a testament of the faithfulness of God… of His grace and mercy that we can see healing and even beauty in a place where such tragedy happened.

Lets continue to pray for the families of all the victums of that day not just for strength and comfort but that they would find the Giver of all life through the tragedy of 9/11.

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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