Are You Serious?

Are you serious? We have experienced the amazing activity of God in such incredible ways over the last few weeks…

Friday night rocked as we saw a cast of 55 (25 different HS represented) students from all over Buffalo put on a great production of Romeo and Juliet reMIX… we had over 550 people JAM into the Auditorium… it was a moment i shalt not soon forgeteth!

We then got ready for an exceptional Sunday morning Gathering as we had me pastor, Jerry Gillis come down and wrap up the Simply Irresistible Series for us as he gave a great challenge to us by unpacking a difficult parable that Jesus gave us some 2000 years ago but is still crazy relevant today… we talked about being not good but great stewards/managers of what God has entrusted to each one of us! It is our final value we want to champion at Renovation… Stewardship of Life.

We were also joined by some of our friends to help lead us in ridiculously great worship… Julius just nailed Never Would Have Made It… Renee, Crystal, EC, Marshall thanks for hanging with us also you guys rocked it and blessed us all!

We were joined by a small army of HS/college students from my bro’s youth group in Willmington NC… 70 of them rolled in late Saturday night so it was great having all of those amped up students in our gathering at 11.00!

We then had a great “GettinReadyforSummerJam Party” Sunday night as we got ready for our kickoff tonight!

So today the students joined by about 15 of our own students and workers started the day by hearing a great friend and local pastor Matt Brown give a dynamic challenge… then they all got busy… very busy working all around our campus! We got a years worth of work done in one day!! Many hands make light work especially when you have 190 hands and feet with 95 passionate hearts!

Which all of that led up to our SummerJam kick-off tonight at 5.00…

Would anybody come…?

Yes they would or I should say they did! we had some 200 of our neighbors from NW Buffalo join us for a great dinner (thanks Glenn and team) along with our work team we fed over 300 people…

We had a great first night of programs… Jon’s students just blew us away by leading all of the small group environments… everybody was super engaged… most had never heard, seen, or experienced anything like what they did tonight!

Can’t wait to see how many we get back tomorrow night!

I am still blown away and pumped but dead-dog tired so more updates tomorrow… Renovation everybody needs to try to come out at least one night… we had a lot of just regular Renovation folks being a part of tonight… I know the Cockrell kids loved it! 

Brek Cockrell

Author: Brek Cockrell

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